
Engaje meets Clubs

Clubs have Sponsors who provide the necessary support to a club and members who are part of that Club (players, subscribers etc) The real value that would delight a sponsor is when members do business with the sponsor but, it does not always happen that way and there are multiple reasons for that. Engaje has carefully studied the model and has come up with a system that can benefit the sponsors.

The club

  • Creates a Community in Engaje
  • Adds all their sponsors to the Engaje page (Create them in Engaje if needed).
  • Advises and motivates their members to do business with the Sponsors.

Build a Club in Engaje


  • Sponsors have a new channel to sell their products.
  • They can either just use the directory or create a shop in Engaje.
  • Club gets to know the no of visitors their sponsors have had (substantiates value).
  • Clubs can get sponsors to offer members only discount to increase membership.
  • Make the Club very attractive for more sponsors with the Engaje Application.